Top 5 pets that can Fulfill our Requirements || Negative and Positive Points.


There are tons of pet which can withstand our requirements . I am going to list top 5 among them . I am also going to tell all the positive and negative which will help you to decide that which pet you want . I will try to explain all things about them . Please share this article as long as you can. So lets get started...


I know that you all must be thinking that why I kept Cow at the 5th number as she is not much useful but its deserve this position 

Positive:-There are many positive points of cow like She gives us milk, She will help us grazing the garden and many time she is human friendly . 

 Negative:-It is very difficult to clean their poos and you need to take care of them . 


You all must be thinking that yes rabbits are very cute and we can keep them at home very easily and with no difficulties but you all must know that they also have many negative points .

Positive:-They are so cute and they can entertain your family by their cuteness .They need very less Maintenance . They are not needed to bath as they can clean itself very nicely. 

Negative:-they excretes more than your expectation and they are very choosy.


Hamster does nothing and are non useful but their movement will make you totally relaxed.

Positive:-They need very less food and maintenance and they can be kept as a show case.

Negative:-They don't have any emotions towards you and very boring. 


Pandas are very cute and can be your best choice to keep them as a pet . 

Positive:-They are very cute and you can play with them as they are human friendly animals and after all they are most demanded animal in china.

Negative:-They are very costly and you need a cage or big house to keep them . They love bamboo a lot and they eat 3 times their body weight.


You all must be knowing that dogs are very human friendly and are very loyal to their owner. 

Positive:-They are very easily available and are very loyal to their owner they can never live without their owner. They are much intelligent than your expectation . 

Negative:-They eat more than your expectations and need maintenance and you need to teach them where to excrete. 

Thankyou Please comment Your suggestions.  


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